A mastering EQ for free!
I dont know how long, but you can get a good mastering EQ for free. The AVA Mastering EQ is explicitly designed for the task of mastering your mixes. When 2 adjacent bands of the AVA-MtE are adjusted, the resultant curve is “flat” across the band edges, rather than discrete humps and valleys. The resulting curves are perfectly suited for the broad, musical changes needed for final tone-control while retaining the harmonic balance between the elements of your mix.
The AVA-ME is most easily controlled by clicking and dragging the mouse across the frequency spectrum. You can also point your mouse at a control band or the output trim and increase the gain by dragging up/down or by using the scroll function on your mouse or touchpad. You can right-click and drag to reset bands to zero and hold shift while dragging the mouse to smooth any unwanted bumps between adjacent curves. (These options are indicated in the bottom-right corner of the plugin window). All controls have a “fine” mode which can be accessed by holding Control or Command while adjusting the control.
The EQ has some more gadgets, wich you can find out on their website or Plugin Boutique. Below the link where you can get your free and good EQ.
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