Experimental with Glitchmachines
Today I made a work with Glitchmachines, a family of synthesizers that make a special glitchy sound, but you can reprogram them with your own wave files. In this song I only use these Glitchmachines, three different ones.
For the high tones I used Palindrome, Palindrome is a synth with a moving head with can move along 4 samples in a certain pattern, all adjustable at taste.
The droning bass sound is made with Polygon 2, a sampler which can work with 4 samples and can be programmed to play the samples in a certain way with certain effects.
The three instruments together made up the song.
When you can get Glitchmachines, I can greatly recommend them. The possibilities are endless, but with some learning curve.
You can download the piece for your own use.
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