Experimental with Glitchmachines


Today I made a work with Glitchmachines, a family of synthesizers that make a special glitchy sound, but you can reprogram them with your own wave files. In this song I only use these Glitchmachines, three different ones.

For the high tones I used Palindrome, Palindrome is a synth with a moving head with can move along 4 samples in a certain pattern, all adjustable at taste.

The droning bass sound is made with Polygon 2, a sampler which can work with 4 samples and can be programmed to play the samples in a certain way with certain effects.

The third I used is Tactic, a sampler mostly used for rhythms but in a random and a hugely adjustable way, with randomness. It can also produce natural percussive sounds, depending on the samples and the programming.

The three instruments together made up the song.

When you can get Glitchmachines, I can greatly recommend them. The possibilities are endless, but with some learning curve.

You can download the piece for your own use.


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